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The Specialty Roofers Inc Blog

Specialty Roofers Diaper Drive benefiting Caring & Sharing
In September/October of 2022 we held the first annual Diaper Drive for Caring and Sharing South Walton. The Drive was kicked off by...

New roof, new year!
Can you believe it is 2023? This is the time go year that homeowners start to think about goals and aspirations for the coming year. If...

Specialty Roofers announces new sister company, Specialty Gutters
Specialty Roofers, a premier roofing company serving Northwest Florida, is thrilled to announce the addition and opening of a new sister...

Specialty Roofers Named Finest on the Emerald Coast
On May 3 at the Finest on the Emerald Coast Awards Ceremony, Specialty Roofers took home the first place in the Around the House: Roofing...
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