In September/October of 2022 we held the first annual Diaper Drive for Caring and Sharing South Walton. The Drive was kicked off by National Diaper Needs Awareness Day, and was supported by many businesses, neighborhoods, schools and sports teams. We were lucky to have the marketing power of the Walton County Sherriff's Office behind our initiative as well. After weeks of collecting, we totaled 19,503 diapers and 26,248 wipes, which we were very proud of.

Why diapers you ask? According to the National Diaper Week Awareness website, "one in three U.S. families struggles to provide enough diapers to keep a baby or toddler clean, dry, and healthy." Imagine having a new baby and not having the means to have diapers and wipes to keep your baby safe and clean.
National Diaper Need Awareness Week is scheduled for September 18 – 24, 2023 and we are already busy planning so that we can surpass our goals.

Want to know how you can help? Encourage your child's sports organizations to plan on getting involved in September. Put a bug in the ear of your businesses marking and community development person so that your business can plan on helping.
In 2022 we had the support of the South Walton Seahawks, Seclusion Bay Subdivision, Christ the King Church, Tree House Montessori School, Tall Pines Preschool, Good News United Methodist Church and many suppliers to Specialty Roofers Inc.
Let us know if you want to be involved this year!
Erin Bakker
SRI Marketing and Business Development