Anglers, novice to professional, are invited to cast their luck in the Specialty
Spot Tournament on Saturday, May 18th for $6000 in cash prizes. The charity redfish and trout tournament is presented by Specialty Roofers and benefits the Wright Fight for Cystic Fibrosis. “We are excited about this tournament because it combines two of our passions – fishing and giving back to the community,” Erin Bakker, marketing director at Specialty Roofers, said. “We hope everyone has a great time for an even greater cause.”
The Specialty Spot Tournament kicks off at 6 a.m. on Saturday, May 18th, and the scales open for weigh-ins at Nick’s Seafood Restaurant in Freeport at 3 p.m. Fishing hours conclude at 4 p.m. All fish must be caught by hook, line, rod and reel by members of the registered fishing team. Cash prizes will be awarded for the redfish with the most spots on one side, the heaviest aggregate bag limit and the heaviest speckled trout. The entry fee is $100 per angler or $200 per boat in this no-boundary tournament.
The Specialty Spot Tournament benefits The Wright Fight for Cystic Fibrosis. Specialty Roofers aims to draw awareness and support for the fight for cystic fibrosis by highlighting locals, William and Magen Wright, whose twin sons, Merrit and Campbell were born with cystic fibrosis. All proceeds from the event will go toward the Wright family’s fundraising efforts for the Cystic Fibrosis Fund. “We want to make CF stand for Cure Found,” Peter Wright said. “The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has fueled dramatic improvements in cystic fibrosis research and care. Because of the Foundation, people with CF are living longer and healthier lives. The outlook for people with
CF continues to improve year after year.”
Individuals and local businesses are invited to enter the tournament, and sponsorships are available. Special thanks to the event's co-sponsors, Ships Chandler and Nick’s Seafood Restaurant. For more information about sponsorship opportunities and individual or team registration, visit www.specialtyroofers.com/spottournament.
Specialty Roofers has earned a reputation for being one of the best roofing companies in Northwest Florida. Local accolades include 2018, 2019 and 2020 Finest of the Emerald Coast by Northwest Florida Daily News, 2018, 2019 and 2020 Best of the Emerald Coast by Emerald Coast Magazine and Best in Niceville for several years. SRI has a local reputation for giving back to the community they live in through various endeavors, events and sponsorships. For more information about SRI’s products and services, visit www.specialtyroofers.com or contact Erin at erin@specialtyroofers.com or call 850-855-5375.
Specialty Roofers, Inc. is proud to be among the two percent of roofers who qualify as GAF Master Elite Certified, and was honored with the 2020 GAF President’s Club Award for the third year in a row. This highly coveted award recognizes SRI as one of the most elite roofing contractors in the United States. SRI was one of only 78 contractors in North America to receive the designation.